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A new publication from UBC Press

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Am I Safe Here?

LGBTQ Teens and Bullying in Schools

Donn Short

“Am I safe here?” LGBTQ students ask this question every day within the school system. This book shines a light on the marginalization and bullying faced by LGBTQ youth, offering a new conceptualization of school safety.


Donn Short treats students as the experts on what happens in their schools, giving them a chance to speak for themselves. They identify what it would take to make a school truly safe – insightfully explaining that safety doesn’t come merely from security cameras, ID tags, and dress codes, but from a culture that values equity and social justice. Revealing the reality of going to school in an environment that implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) endorses homophobia, heterosexism, and heteronormativity, the students share their ideas about how to change school culture. They envision a future in which LGBTQ youth are an expected, respected, and celebrated part of school life.


Am I Safe Here? explores what needs to be done to create equitable and inclusive schools – but it is not strictly about formal professional development plans. Rather, it draws from the informal, spontaneous, timely, and relevant words of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered students to show that nothing less than a total culture change is needed.

This book is written for teachers, administrators, pre-service teachers, guidance counsellors, social workers, trustees, parents, and other LGBTQ allies who want to promote student safety and school improvement by creating a safe and inclusive school for LGBTQ students.


UBC Press |  | October 2017 | 160pp | 6 b&w illus., 1 chart | 9780774890212 | PB | £18.99*

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 *Price subject to change.

 **Offer excludes the North & South America and Australia.

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