

evoSET - Nature-inspired algorithms in Software Engineering and Testing

Parma, Italy, 4 to 6 April 2018
A track of EvoApplications, part of Evo* 2018

Submission Deadline: 1 November 2017

* Aims and scope
We seek both theoretical developments and applications of Computational Intelligence to the design, the development, operation, and maintenance of software, with particular focus on testing for security and reliability. All bio-inspired computational paradigms are welcome, mainly Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, including Multi-Objective Approaches, but also Fuzzy Logic, Intelligent Agent Systems, Neural Networks, Cellular Automata, Artificial Immune Systems, Swarm Intelligence and others, including hybrids.

Topics include but are not limited to:
* Requirements engineering 
* Automated design and development of software 
* Search-based software engineering 
* Software reliability, testing and security 
* Software maintenance and self-repair 
* Software effort estimation and fault prediction 
* Genetic improvement of software 
* Real world applications of the above 

* Submission Details
Submission link:
Please provide up to five keywords in 
your Abstract

* Publications

- This year EvoApplications is accepting two kinds of submission: full papers and short papers. Full papers require novel and complete research work and have a limit of 16 pages. Short papers should present complete research or interesting preliminary results and have a limit of 8 pages. Both types of submission will undergo the same double-blind review process and all accepted papers will be included in the LNCS proceedings. Based on reviewers' assessment,  accepted full papers will be presented as full-length talks, and authors of accepted short papers will present a short talk as well as present a poster.  All authors of accepted papers will be given the opportunity to further disseminate their work in poster sessions.
- All accepted papers will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
- The review process is double-blind. Please ensure to anonymize your submission accordingly.
- Selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.

EvoSET 2018 Chairs: 

Anna I Esparcia-Alcázar, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Sara Silva, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal