

-perhaps you are aware of the news
NHS staff members who refuse to have the flu vaccine this winter will have to give reasons to their employer
-in France we can read:
"Rendre obligatoire la vaccination des professionnels de santé contre la rougeole, la grippe, la coqueluche et la varicelle"
-so the UK and France are getting closer to Canada and the USA about mandatory influenza vaccine for health care workers
-probably the bizarre extreme is Leonore Tiefer case in the University of New York School of Medicine
Compulsory flu shots for health workers: How far should policies go?
-in Canada (British Columbia) the policy is "immunize or mask" and you can read
-what is the evidence to support mandatory health care workers influenza vaccination? very weak, if any
"The impression that unvaccinated health care workers place their patients at great influenza peril is exaggerated".
-see a commentary in:
Study: Flu Shot Mandates Unsupported by Science. APIC does not back off mandate stance.

Influenza vaccine review. No reasonable evidence to support the vaccination of healthcare workers. Cochrane.…/ARI_influenza-vaccination-healthc…
-for the (lack of) evidence to support influenza vaccine see the Cochrane Special Collection
-also a short and clinical commentary by Margaret McCartney:
Flu vaccination is offered millions of times every year at huge opportunity cost; given so much uncertainty, this policy is impossible to justify.
-excellent two publications with Tom Jefferson comments
Does the influenza vaccine matter? No

Each year enormous effort goes into producing influenza vaccines for that specific year and delivering them to appropriate sections of the population. Is this effort justified? No.
-don't miss the Medscape review:
We simply question whether the policy of routine influenza vaccination has outpaced the data supporting its use.
Flu Vaccine for All: A Critical Look at the Evidence.
-Influenza vaccine does'nt work. Is effect, if any, does not refer to mortality. USA 150 millions vaccinate, no impact at all
-un saludo juan gérvas @JuanGrvas