Dear all,


Coming off the success of the FR online collection for 'Celebrating Cynthia Cockburn', we asked Palgrave to put together a collection for Tina Campt! If you'd like to forward the collection to others, here's the direct link to the collection: And here's the text from the page for email-friendly viewing:


Celebrating Tina Campt


This evening at LSE, Tina Campt will deliver a lecture entitled, Flow: black bodies and the practice of refusal, hosted by the Gender of Department Studies and Feminist Review.


In celebration of this event, more details of which can be found on the LSE website and on Twitter, we are pleased to supply a selection of papers that Tina has contributed to the journal and in which her work has been critical, free to view for a limited time. We have also chosen some pieces where Tina is referenced. We hope you enjoy them!


 Like what you see? We also recommend issue 104 of Feminist Review, titled 'Affects and Creolisation', for further reading.






Kyoung Kim

Assistant Editor

On behalf of the Feminist Review Collective


Feminist Review

Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS University of London, Thornhaugh Street, LONDON WC1H 0XG


New issue of Feminist Review out now! Dystopias and Utopias - FR 116