

If it had been a properly constructed and refereed scholarly argument, I'd agree. But it wasn't.

Professor Stephen A. Linstead DLitt. FAcSS FRSA
Director of Postgraduate Research and
Director of the Centre for the Study of Working Lives
The York Management School
Freboys Lane
YO10 5GD

Management and Organization

Linstead, S. A. and Maréchal, G. 2015 “Re-reading Masculine Organization:
Phallic, Testicular and Seminal Metaphors”. *Human Relations*. 68, 9:
1561-1489  doi: 10.1177/0018726714558146.

Linstead, S. A., Maréchal, G. and Griffin, R. 2014 “Theorizing and
Researching the Dark Side of Organization” *Organization Studies*. 35,
2:165-88. doi:10.1177/01708 40613515402. *[Special Issue]*

Linstead, S. A. 2013 “Organizational Bystanding: Whistleblowing, Watching
the Work Go By or Aiding and Abetting?” *M@n@gement* 15th Anniversary *Special
Issue* 16, 5: 680-96. doi: 10.3917/mana.165.0680 ISSN: 1286-4692.

On 11 October 2017 at 14:31, Willis N. Churnocht <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
The removal of Gilley's writing is a sad state of affairs.

We must either learn to live with an opposing argument, or construct a counter-argument.

To shut Gilley's argument down completely is counter-productive and symptomatic of the regressive left, which has alienated many.

If we introduce a blanket ban on arguments for colonialism, why not do the same for Marxism?

After all, Marxist-leaning articulations of politics were responsible for vastly more deaths across the twentieth century than any right-leaning regimes. Yet Marxism is glorified in the social sciences.

The bottom line is that 'I'm so offended by this' should not provide a legitimate means for educated and critical academics to wash their hands of an argument.

Whither academia's freedom, objectivity and critical foundations?

Peace, WC x