

Dear Colleagues,

We have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the “14th Conference of Environmental Archaeology - CEA2018” which will take place on February 26-28th 2018 in Modena (Italy).

The workshop theme is: Humans and environmental sustainability: Lessons from the past ecosystems of Europe and Northern Africa. Its main topics are: i) Interdisciplinary archaeological/botanical research; ii) Focus on Northern Africa archaeo-environmental changes; iii) From palaeoethnobotany to popular traditions; iv) Environmental sustainability in a changing world: lessons from the past.

Multidisciplinary bio-geo-archaeo contributions on environmental reconstructions and palaeoecological research are welcome. The abstract deadline is October 31st.

Selected papers presented at the CEA2018 will be published in special issues of international journals following the topics reported above.

We invite you to visit the conference website to register and submit your abstracts, and for further continuously updated information:

We look forward to seeing you in Modena!

The 14th CEA Organizing Committee

Laboratorio di Palinologia e Paleobotanica - Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia