


I am going to do a study using MRI guided rTMS, so I need using the coordinates to locate my stimulus target of interest. 

The TMS can translate the structural image in original space into MNI space by using a pre-exsting matrix, so that I saved the time to redo the normalization. I used the SPM12 to do the normalization. However, according to the manual of the rTMS machine, the .mat file from the SPM seems not work. 

I quoted as follow "You can perform more than one registration, and select or change which one to apply at any time. If you have already performed this step using another software application (e.g. SPM or MINC tools), then you can save time and maintain consistency by using that matrix as described in “Loading a pre-existing matrix”, otherwise, perform the manual registration.....
Every transform matrix represents a transformation from one coordinate system to another. The matrix entered either by loading an xfm file or entering the matrix manually must be from the “World” space coordinate system as defined by your anatomical images (e.g. scanner coordinates), to the MNI space. For example, when using SPM, the .mat file does not work because it is from voxel space (whose definition changed over the years) to MNI space, while the PDF report works because it describes the world space to MNI space transform."   

Now I don't know how to do this. Actually, if I use SPM12 to do the normalization, I cannot get any .mat file or PDF report. If I do segment, I can get a seg.mat file with affine data. So how can I get the matrix information which can be used in my rTMS registration.

