

Dear Michael,

You are right. The F-contrast testing for the interaction in 2x3
factorial design is:
  [1 -1  0 -1  1  0
   0  1 -1  0 -1  1]

All the contrasts can be given by calling:
  c = spm_make_contrasts([2 3]);

Best regards,

On 14/09/17 01:38, Michael L. wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about the contrast weights in flexible factorial. In Glascher and Gitelman's paper they use the example of a 2x3 within-subjects design with columns A1B1 A1B2 A1B3 A2B1 A2B2 A2B3. The interaction A x B is defined as -1 0 1 1 0 -1, but isn't this the interaction between the two levels of factor A (A1 and A2) and two levels of factor B (B1 and B3)?
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Michael

Guillaume Flandin, PhD
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
University College London
12 Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG