

I was taught by both Dollimore and Sinfield on an MA course. I was just reflecting that though they inveighed against The Elizabethan World Picture, it was clear from seminars that they thought ‘The Elizabethans’ had no sense of the self.  We are probably all guilty of EWP-type thinking. It’s problematic, because of course there are differences of ‘mentalite’ (forgive the absence of accent) between historical periods.


On 17 Sep 2017, at 05:52, Dennis Moore <[log in to unmask]> wrote

One classic statement of the point is the chapter "Put Away the World Picture" in Herbert Howarth, The Tiger's Heart (Chatto & Windus, 1970).

Dennis Moore
Hi, Jim,

I hope you’re well and happy. I don’t remember whether or not it was I who said that about Tillyard. It could have been. I thought his reading of the Henriad was atrocious. I still do.

Best wishes,


> On Sep 16, 2017, at 12:41 PM, James Broaddus <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Who was it that suggested, some two or three decades past (?), in print, that we should forget about the Elizabethan World Picture.
>  I think the person particularly had in mind Shakespeare scholarship.
> Please excuse the cross listing.
> Jim Broaddus