

It's a relief to know that Mass Emergencies has been recovered, but the episode is a reminder of the need to preserve material of this kind for future generations of researchers.  

Professor John Twigg
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

From: Radix <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Ilan Kelman <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 16 September 2017 16:25:40
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: "Mass Emergencies" journal and more
I recently found that the archives of the journal "Mass Emergencies", previously at massemergencies dot org, were no longer online as the domain registration seemed to have expired and was purchased by someone else. Fortunately, David Alexander had had the foresight to download them, so I have now added them to my disaster research archives page under "Mass Emergencies".

Similarly, the Hazards Center in Boulder, Colorado used to have all their working papers easily downloadable from a single webpage. Now, it is necessary to know some details about a specific working paper in order to find and download it. With thanks to James Lewis, I am starting to add the working papers to under "Natural Hazards Center Working Papers". I will also soon add the proper citation for each one.

Any other material or suggestions for the disaster research archives page would be welcome. But please never rely on me. Instead, download the material and keep it in your own archives, passing it on to others, especially new researchers, so that we never forget the foundations of this field. For more details, see


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