


We'd like your help collecting interesting or unusual facts and figures about libraries for Libraries Week. 

Let us know your facts by email or on twitter: 

They can be serious or fun - and about any type of library.

We're going to use them on social media and with press.

Some examples:

- 3/4 people in the UK and Ireland say that public libraries are important to the community (Carnegie UK Trust, Shining a Light)
- Famous librarians include poet Philip Larkin, Chinese revolutionary and leader Mao Zedong, former First Lady Laura Bush,  Cassanova, Sheffield indie band The Long Blondes, American President J Edgar Hoover
- Young people use public libraries more than older people. 15-24 year olds more likely to use libraries than over 55s across the British Isles (Carnegie UK Trust, Shining a Light)

Best, Mark

Mark Taylor
Director of External Relations