


There is a reference: J. Zhang, M. Liu, L. An, Y. Gao, and D. Shen, “Alzheimer’s disease
diagnosis using landmark-based features from longitudinal structural mr
images”. This reference uses longitudinal MRI images make diagnoses for AD and MCI. This may what you are looking for.

Good luck to your research!

2017-09-12 13:21 GMT-04:00 Fulvio Da Re <[log in to unmask]>:
Hi all,

I'd like to start a structural MRI longitudinal analysis in my Alzheimer's Disease cohort, studying the atrophy progression. In particular, I'd like to fit a linear mixed effects model using fixed effects of disease duration and a random intercept term for patient.
Most of my subjects have more than 2 timepoints (actually, they have a variable amount of timepoints between 2 and 6), so I don't think SIENA will fit my requirements. Neither FEAT should do that, since it was designed for fMRI.

Any suggestions?

Thanks so much for helping

Fulvio Da Re
PhD student
FTD Center, University of Pennsylvania