


In occasion of the next conference of the Italian Society of Economic
Sociology (SISEC), we are proposing a session entitled “*Between Investment
and Austerity: welfare facing social innovation*”. The session aims at
collecting contributions on contemporary trends in welfare research, with
particular attention to *social investment*, *welfare recalibration, social
innovation, social impact finance and workplace welfare arrangements.*

The conference is going to be held in Catholic University, Milano January 25
th-27th 2018 and it will attract international and national researchers
around the contemporary debates of economic sociology. For those willing to
contribute, you have to send a long abstract (1500 words) to
[log in to unmask] (object: “Call for papers SISEC 2018 – Session
15”) by October 16th. The full CfP follows along for your convenience.

Thanks for your attention

A. Ciarini (Sapienza University of Rome), R. Lodigiani (Catholic University
of Milan), L. Maestripieri (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

*#SISEC2018 Conference*

Session 15: *Between Investment and Austerity: welfare facing social

The economic crisis and the fiscal compact’s measures adopted for facing
the crisis of the sovereign debts has negatively impacted on welfare’s
recalibration process, increasing inequalities in access to social security
and igniting process of marginalisation that distributed the costs of
austerity unequally across social groups. At the same time, the goals at
the basis of European Social Agenda (explicitly framed in the social
investment approach) are pursued in several countries by costs’ savings
strategies which concur at expanding or keeping unaltered the level of
social interventions, but at the cost of new and deeper trade-offs.
Trade-offs that lies between the increase of coverage rates in services for
new social risks and low-waged labour in the same services; between access
to minimum income schemes and work-first activation strategies in community
services; between public and private expenditure, being it of financial
nature (*social impact finance*) or occupational (*workplace welfare
arrangements/ employee welfare benefits*).

If in austerity times a “low” road-map to *social investment* is likely to
emerge as a convergence perspective among European countries, empirical
investigations can also be found as well that show how bottom-up reactions
are emerging, with the aim of counterbalancing the public retrenchment and
of innovating in content and practices the welfare supply, also thanks to
new technologies. Process of hybridisation are also emerging, in which
public and private tends to contaminate, in seek of unprecedented solutions
not necessarily guided by costs containment. The session proposed in SISEC
2018 aspires at collecting empirical and theoretical contributions with the
aim of investigating effects of different process of change in European,
Italian and locally-based experiences, within case studies or in
comparative perspective.

Starting from this viewpoint, we invite papers that deals with the
following phenomena:

   - New and old inequalities in access to social services, which the
   post-crisis welfare system is not able to face;
   - Trade-offs related to local welfare supply, care labour market (formal
   and informal), public and private social expenditure;
   - Process of hybridisation between public and private actors in local
   welfare, between privatisation and neo-mutualism, informal welfare and
   technological innovation;
   - Process of social innovation able to retrieve richness and diversity
   of civil society, in order to offer new solutions to needs that private and
   public actors are not able to satisfy;

Paper are welcome in Italian and English. The full call for papers is
available at the conference website: