

Are you a scientist, researcher, artist, and/or educator doing work in sex or sexuality topics? You probably really love your work, right? Then share it with the thoughtful, sex-positive audience members at

for the sex geek in you

PREMIERES IN BERLIN Monday evening, Dec 4

BEDx is a bar night dedicated to current research, art, and education about topics in sex, sexuality, kink, and gender. BEDx presenters take the stage for 10-minute presentations about their pet topics, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. As a presenter, you get the chance to share your stuff, expound on works in progress, or just get more practice speaking to laypeople, while audience members get ground-breaking information and useful knowledge, and a chance to talk about it with the people who really, really give a shit: YOU. 

Presentations should be related to your original work in sex, sexuality, gender, relationships, etc, across ALL disciplines. This can be a presentation that you have done elsewhere, but please remember that the BEDx audience will be mostly highly engaged and intelligent laypeople, and adjust accordingly. Time limit is a firm 10 minutes--time yourself!--and maximum 10-15 minutes of Q&A. We're looking for diversity in subject matter, presenter experience, presenter demographic, and presentation format, e.g. talking, audio/visual ancillaries (there will be a projector available upon request, as well as sound/PA), live demo, immersive/interactive. The most important thing is that you should be speaking about a topic that you a) care a lot about, and b) know a lot about.

IF ACCEPTED: you will need to be at Oblomov Kreuzkolln (Lenaustraße 7) no later than 7pm on Monday 4 December. If you need to use projector or audio equipment, you must be at the venue by 6:45pm for tech. You will also need to schedule a 15-minutes online consultation with the organisers for no later than Nov. 15.

COMPENSATION: presenters will each receive 10% of the net box office (ticket sales minus event expenses), and one free drink! PLEASE NOTE: there is no other monetary or in-kind support for presenters, so this opportunity is most appropriate for people within easy travel distance of Berlin OR who are already going to be here on their own dime. 

TO APPLY: send a 50- to 75-word proposal about your proposed presentation to, with the subject line reading: "BEDx: <your topic>". The proposal should include two or three things that you wish people knew about your topic, or that you want them to take away from your presentation. In the proposal please note if you need to use a projector or any other technical item.

Cameryn Moore, Phone Whore

Making the world a better place, seven minutes at a time