

HI Hillary,
in The urban age in question, Brenner and Schmid have discussed how the data about "urbanised population" are basically nonsense:
That said, I doubt those data you're seeking exist in general; and if they exist I doubt they'd make any kind of comparative sense. I'm afraid one should come up with their definition (good luck with defining univocally urban/non-urban in UK vs Portugal, let alone China or Kenya); and then use GIS to make their own maps...
Sorry for not providing much help!
(But I'd love to hear if someone knows of sources of this kind)

2017-09-27 20:00 GMT+02:00 Hillary Shaw <[log in to unmask]>:
Does anyone know of a source giving the area of a country that is urbanised. I know there is plenty of info on the % population urbanised but area seems harder to come by. I was thinking of taking, as a rough rule, % area urbanised   = 0.1 x % population urbanised, which isn't too far off for the UK (90% population urban, 9% area urban), according to this BBC article - URL attached as it has a map of UK habitat type further down. But obviously this fails for small highly urbanised countries, Hong Kong and Singapore for example, maybe Belgium too. And probably for France the other way, big rural developed countries with relatively lower population densities overall.

Has anyone else used a similar rule, or got any actual data on fraction of land area urbanised. This data would then give us a hande on rural population density, which may be falling in some countries even as total population rises (and migrates to the cities).

Dr Hillary J. Shaw
Director and Senior Research Consultant
Shaw Food Solutions
TF10 8QE

Simone Tulumello
Post-doc research fellow, ULisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais

latest publications:

Tulumello S (2017) Fear, Space and Urban Planning. Springer (linkTulumello S (2017) The multi-scalar nature of urban security and public safety. Urban Affairs Review (link) / Tulumello S Healey P (2016) Questioning planning, connecting places and times. plaNext special issue (link) / Tulumello S. (2016) Multi-level Territorial Governance and Cohesion Policy. EJSD (link)