Following a well-attended session at the Nordic Geographers Conference, we invite contributions to a special issue to be published in late 2018 / early 2019 in Geografiska Annaler B.

Early-career women in geography. Practical pathways to advancement in the neoliberal university.

Research shows small disciplines such as geography tend to rely on homosocial practices;  making the career progress of men relatively smoother than that of women (Crang 2003; Trimble 2013; Mott and Roberts 2014; Leslie et al 2015). Men in academia tend to have stronger and wider networks which allow for the placement of early career researchers within their network (Moss-Racusin et al. 2012; Sâdl 2009; Hanson 2000). Set within a backdrop of increasing neoliberal policies at universities, we see an increase in teaching and administrative loads coupled with an ever competitive funding panorama. In this situation, women find it even more challenging to reconcile work and family care (Lund 2015; Gill and Donaghue 2015; Davis and Bansel 2005; Husu 2010). Accordingly women in academic disciplines are adopting various practices to resist, contest and adapt to work place organization and develop long-term career trajectories.
We wonder:  What are the key obstacles facing women in geography today? How have women learnt to bypass these hindrances? How is resistance incorporated in daily work-place practices? And for those who have succeeded, what were the main factors in their successes and finally, which strategies helped as they navigated their career paths? Which approaches  are being used by early career women geographers today to avoid falling trap of the “leaky pipe”?
Following a very well attended session at the recent Nordic Geographers conference, in this special issue, we invite practice-oriented contributions, from both the human and physical sides of geography, that outline and critically discuss grassroots organizing, mentoring approaches, foreign female scholars’ inclusion strategies, networking tactics and practical solutions implemented at the department level by female early-career geographers to foster their permanence and advancement in academia. The overall aim of this special issue is to present early career female geographers with a toolkit of strategies that have been successful elsewhere in promoting the improvement women’s standing in our discipline in the spirit of feminist transnational alliance praxis.

Send a 250 words abstract by September 11th to [log in to unmask]"> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and [log in to unmask]"> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> .


Final decision on acceptance will be given in early November, full papers shall be submitted by February 2018. Please see the journal’s webpage for submission guidelines.

Martina Angela Caretta, PhD. Assistant Professor. Geology and Geography Department. West Virginia University.

Natasha Webster, PhD. Postdoc Fellow. Human Geography Department. Stockholm University.