XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15 - 21, 2018
RC21 Regional and Urban Development (host committee) 

In Search for a Global Urban Justice Movement through Theory and Praxis

Theorists and practitioners occupied themselves with the problems of post-industrial urban restructuring in search for better alternatives. The threats of neoliberalization of the city, such as uneven development, embourgeoisement, socio-spatial polarization, dispossession of homes and jobs, privatization or enclosures, commercialization, homogenization, touristification, and surveillance, were agreed upon. Yet, different methods and actors of change were suggested. A range of solutions were created from radical change to improvements by good urban planning or simply, holding one's ground that is, resilience. The basic difference lied in how radical or reformist their offer was.

How could a global urban justice movement be made possible? What theoretical alternatives are there available? What kind of anti-neoliberal, anti-gentrification movements surpass the local trap? In this session, we would like to hear and discuss about ideas and examples of urban struggles that went beyond or could go beyond the local area matters. Papers could include:

-        Case studies of single places with an expansive influence on other places

-        Comparative research that represents the solidarity created between similar or different urban social movements from the same or different geographical contexts

-        Theoretical ideas regarding the possibility of a wider-scale, anti-gentrification movement or a global urban justice movement to harmonize the multiple social struggles around the Globe 

Keywords: Scale, anti-gentrification, post-industrial urban change, an alternative city

Session Organizer: Meric KIRMIZI, Istanbul Studies Center, Kadir Has University (Turkey)

Application deadline: September 30, 2017

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