

I wanted to share the outcomes of my previous email (see below) about emergency funding for a Malawian PhD student, as not only did people respond with some great ideas (listed below too) but someone even went on to fund raise themselves amongst their friends and family and gave an amazing donation of £1,676 to the absolutely delighted student!!

It just goes to prove what a great 'resource' Crit-Geog-Forum is, that anyone would respond in this way, so thanks to all who keep it going!!



Sources of potential funding:
<> <> --

I can think of the AEGIS, she could contact them and ask about possible funding sources: - I dont think they provide funding themselves but it is worth asking, and they are very well positioned to know where she could get funding.


The Foundation for Women Graduates has an emergency grant:



Dr Sam Staddon

ESRC Global Challenges Research Fund Fellow

Lecturer in Environment & Development

School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

G.01, Drummond Street, EH8 9XP. +44 (0)131 6502269

Sent: 25 May 2017 13:36
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Seeking suggestions for emergency funding for Malawian PhD student in the UK

Dear all,

I am looking for sources of (emergency) funding for a Malawian PhD student (studying in the UK) to help with subsistence costs for the final 6 months of her PhD. She works on issues of climate change adaptation, vulnerability and the role of forests. She is also a single mum, amazingly supporting her young daughter as she writes-up, in case that opens up other avenues of funding.

If you have any suggestions please reply to me off-list and I will pass them on to the student.

Thank you so much!
