

In today's Times newspaper - unfortunately the rest of the article is only accessible if you have a subscription (and the story doesn't appear elsewhere yet), It is in the physical copy of The Times today if you have it in the library).

Bath Spa University ethics committee has blocked research into whether transgender people have regrets about their gender transition after the op because this might be seen as transphobic.

The opposite view, that this research should have been given the green light, is, such research could be valuable to society, and even to those considering transgender surgery reassignation themselves. Better to know any potential drawbacks before the surgery than after it? I know of one male to female transgender person, who subsequently joined a Christian group, and then felt, basically, 'I'm not as God intended me to be' and felt duty-bound to return  to being a male - but then felt  they had to move to a congregation of this group elsewhere in the UK as they were embarrassed being a man where they had been known as a woman. Having known this person myself, until they 'inexplicably vanished' from the town I knew them in, I never guessed they weren't born as a female, you would never have guessed from talking to them/looking at them.

What does the rest of the list think here?
  (a brief timeline on some moral issues here

Dr Hillary J. Shaw
Director and Senior Research Consultant
Shaw Food Solutions
TF10 8QE