

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have electronic versions of the following that they'd be
willing to share?

Bull, G. and Payne, S. 1982. Tooth eruption and epiphysial fusion in pigs
and wild boar. In (B. Wilson, C. Grigson and S. Payne, eds.) Ageing and
Sexing Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites, BAR British Series 109, pp.
55–71. B.A.R., Oxford.

Grant, A. 1982. The use of tooth wear as a guide to the age of domestic
ungulates. In Wilson, B., Grigson, C. and Payne, S. (eds.), Ageing and
sexing animal bones from archaeological sites, pp. 91108. Oxford, BAR
British series 109.

Payne, S. 1987, ‘Reference codes for the wear states in the mandibular
cheek teeth of sheep and goats’, Journal of Archaeological Science, 14,

Thanks in advance!
