


Turns out that gas ovens have MUCH better carbon footprint than electric ovens. the ovens rather than the hobs.
So if many choose gas UK [or worldwide] carbon footprint would improve, but How much??
Need statistics on purchase of gas and electric ovens in UK the last few years.
Have some gas numbers, but cannot find anything for electric.
In US electric: gas~4:1

Zillion of stats on: a domestic supply, b: cars
there is a lot of info. out there on choice of main fuel for mains supply

I think appliances are also important [as she puts away her 2000 watt hair dryer and contemplates that she SHOULD have used a 500 watt one]


Professor Diana Kornbrot
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB, UK
+44 (0) 170 728 4626
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skype:	 kornbrotme
19 Elmhurst Avenue
London N2 0LT, UK
 +44 (0) 208 444 2081                                                   

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