

At 09:15 02/08/2017, Kornbrot, Diana wrote:
>Hi John,  Good point. The method of electricity generation must 
>matter. Same for electric cars! ..... I did exaggerate a bit,  ratio 
>is 91.38 = 2.4. Still not negligible ... assume that they use 
>average footprint/kwt,hr for national grid

Thanks.  As you say, I can but presume that the figures you quote are 
based on the current mix of electricity generation methods.

I am not convinced that it would necessarily be wise to encourage 
people to switch to gas ovens (which I think are currently 
pretty  'unpopular').  Give the infrequency with which people change 
their ovens, it would take a long time (probably decades) for such 
encouragement to have a substantial effect on the proportion of gas 
ovens and within that time scale one would hope that we would have 
seen appreciable further movements in the 'green' direction in 
electricity generation - the benefit of gas ovens will therefore 
presumably decrease, maybe eventually to the point of becoming 'negative' ...

... one needs to remember that there is potential for the carbon 
footprint of electricity generation to eventually become very low 
(primarily by removing fossil fuels from the equation).  On the other 
hand, gas ovens (at least, as we currently know them) will presumably 
continue to discharge the same amounts of products of combustion into 
the atmosphere.  One might therefore expect that the environmental 
benefits of electric ovens will progressively decrease, and might 
even become 'negative' eventually.

... and, of course, unless we start synthesising it (which seems 
unlikely, albeit not impossible), the gas will eventually run out 
(with, in the meantime, concerns about the possible environmental 
effects of increasingly desperate methods of extracting it).

Kind Regards,


Dr John Whittington,       Voice:    +44 (0) 1296 730225
Mediscience Services       Fax:      +44 (0) 1296 738893
Twyford Manor, Twyford,    E-mail:   [log in to unmask]
Buckingham  MK18 4EL, UK

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