Hi all

Just saw another post going past on the MCN list today about POS / ecommerce etc - it seems there is a perennial lack of unified information about what museums are doing / systems they’re using / capabilities of each.

Strikes me that there really should be some kind of report written about this stuff by a trusted 3rd party who takes the time to look into each system, do a survey of what museums are doing, build a comparison grid like the one we have for collections management systems on Collections Trust: costs, capabilities, API, integration, etc

If this isn’t a thing (and I don’t think it is), who would be the 3rd party - seems like an ideal thing for the MA? Or is there someone else? Could / would the MCG do this? 

And I suppose more generally: would this be of use to people?




Mike Ellis

Thirty8 Digital: a small but perfectly formed digital agency

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