


We at the University of Sheffield Library have just undergone an RDA project and are now doing all our cataloguing according to RDA rules.  We're doing the following :

Leader : i in subfield 18
040 field $beng and $erda
No abbreviations
No Rule of 3
Adding fields 336, 337 and 338
Relationship designators (subfield $e) on names (personal and corporate)

However, whilst we keep them in when they're present in imported records, we're not (at the moment) adding linking fields (eg 776) to our records.  We would be interested to hear what other UK libraries who have moved to RDA cataloguing are doing with their records.

Many thanks, Barbara

Barbara Thompson
Metadata and Discovery Section, Western Bank Library
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN
Tel (direct line) : +44 (0)114 2220533

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