

***Apologies for cross posting***

**With the summer vacation well underway it might be a good time to reflect on our recent series of webinars.**

You'll be glad to know we've managed to compress our latest webinar on Shibboleth Azure / ADFS Authentication Module (SAAM) into a short 2 minute video. Which can be viewed at our sister site

The SAAM webinar is particularly interesting to those that have deployed (or are thinking of) Shibboleth & ADFS / Azure AD. The SAAM products simplify the login between the two separate SSO systems giving you True SSO between Microsoft products and Shibboleth.

We have also included some other goodies like a free Cloud Shibboleth IdP when purchasing our SAAM products.

Lots more will be happening in the fall, for example our all new Shibboleth stats tool and our MFA webinar series.

Thanks for signing up to our webinars

Graham Mason

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