

Dear Anderson,

Lucia and I are working on very similar analyses and I was hoping to ask some further questions with regards to the use of these in randomise & FEAT. 

I have used the designs you sent through with randomise, e.g.:  

randomise -i all_cope1.nii.gz -o ./InteractionModel_Randomise -d Interaction_30subj_randomise.mat -t Interaction_30subj_randomise.con -e Interaction_30subj_randomise.grp --permuteBlocks -n 5000 –T

The 4D file included in this command contains cope1 files for the fmri task I am analysing. I had to combine two runs of this task so I ran a fixed effects analysis to do this. 

(1) Am I correct in assuming that the 4D file I use with randomise should contain the following:


(2) If I am running a normal group FEAT analysis (FLAME) and want to input individual cope files from only one run of the task, the cope files should be taken from the following directory:


(3) We have also run an analysis using your designs in FEAT (i.e. using FLAME 1&2) - however instead of including the exchangeability blocks as done with randomise, we just set the Group column to all 1's. This model has run, however we are not sure if it is actually valid to do this? 

Thanks very much for your help with this, we really appreciate it!
Sara & Lucia