


This is a difficult tract to reconstruct and requires very good quality data and plenty of care in designing the a priori masks.

Have a look at this paper where we were able to reconstruct the superior peduncle using HCP data:

Perhaps you could try a similar strategy, and also reconstruct Cb-Thalamus and Thalamus-Cortex separately?


On 8 Aug 2017, at 02:37, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi FSL team,

I am trying to trace the Cerebella-Thalamic-Cerebral tract in a group of children with a neurodevelopment disorder called Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). I use the following ROIs extracted from freesurfer for each participant:

Seed point: left cerebellum WM
Waypoints: left Superior Cerebellar Peduncle, Right Thalamus, and Right BA6+BA4
Exclusion Masks: CC+right cerebellum+right posterior limb of internal capsule

I also force waypoints crossing in the listed order.

For most of my participants, I get 0 or very few waytotals. Is it anything, I am doing wrong or it is normal.
