
I've been trying to build FSL under CentOS 7 and have run into some issues. First, I guess the site https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FslInstallation/SourceCode, at the section "Compiling Source Distribution", lacks the libraries mesa-libGLU, mesa-libGLU-devel, centos-release-scl, and scl-utils. Without those libraries which are not included by default, I get errors during the building. Furthermore, even when SCL is installed, ./build complains when building mist-clean saying "Unable to open /etc/scl/conf/devtoolset-2!" Do I also have to install devtoolset-2 with scl? Could anyone tell me please how to do it?

I would also appreciate if someone tell me how to install FSL from the python script without setting and exporting environment variables in ~/.bashrc or /etc/profile.

The main reason for this is I am the administrator of an HPCC and want to have all software organised in a specific way.

Thanks a lot in advance