Dear Hamied,

I am on FSL 5.0.9 and I am trying to run Eddy on HARDI data acquired with 3 different b-values (8 directions at b=775, 32 directions at b=1414 and 64 directions at b=2000) and 8 interspersed b=0 acquisitions. However, Eddy doesn’t like it and gives this error:
I'm thrown
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'EDDY::KMatrixException'
 what():  KMatrixException: msg=MultiShellKMatrix::SetDiffusionPar: Data not shelled
Aborted (core dumped)
I looked up this error on the FSL mailing list and found out about the --data_is_shelled flag.

yes, with such a big difference in no. of directions between the different shells you need to use the --data_is_shelled flag.

So I added this flag to my Eddy command line, which runs for a while, but then stops without giving any results or error messages.

Can you please try to run it again with the --very_verbose flag and email me the screen output. You are probably best off piping it to a file as it can potentially be too much for the terminal buffer. That way I can try to figure out where it goes wrong.


Would anyone have any ideas what could be going wrong, please?
Many thanks.
Best wishes,
Dr Hamied A Haroon, MInstP, MSc, PhD | Research Associate in Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Division of Neuroscience & Experimental Psychology | School of Biological Sciences | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health | The University of Manchester
Room G.526 | Centre for Imaging Sciences | Stopford Building | Oxford Road | Manchester M13 9PT | England | United Kingdom