Hi all


Is there anyone out there with a pdf of this article they would like to share with me? I would be forever grateful.


Crang, P. (1992) The politics of polyphony: reconfigurations in geographical authority. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 10, pp.527-549.



Best regards


Jill Tove Buseth

PhD candidate

Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Office: Parkgården P205


Assistant professor

Department of International Studies and Interpreting (IST)

Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA)

Office: P42 7045B


Tel. NO.: +47 67231367 (NMBU)

Tel. NO.: +47 67237663 (HiOA)

Tel. TZ.: +255 0764016219


