

Hi All

Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology


We are seeking to appoint a Research Associate to study the molecular
basis of co-translational protein folding using NMR spectroscopy. This
project applies structural biology together with molecular biology and
biophysics to examine the structure, dynamics and folding of nascent
polypeptide chains as they are being synthesised on the ribosome.

The work will be undertaken at the Department of Structural and
Molecular Biology at UCL and Birkbeck College, as part of the Institute
of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB) (
[1]). The ISMB is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including
excellent NMR facilities (700, 800MHz equipped with cryoprobes) for
structural work as well as and biophysics suite to undertake all aspects
of the proposed work. Access to ultra-high field NMR spectrometers are
also available through our satellite laboratory at the Francis Crick

This Wellcome Trust funded post is funded for one year in the first
instance with the possibility for extension.

Key Requirements

Applicants should have a PhD in biomolecular NMR spectroscopy and have
experience in studying large macromolecular complexes. Experience in at
least one of the following areas would be highly desirable: molecular
biology, recombinant protein production, biochemistry, molecular
dynamics simulations or biophysics. A keen interest in protein
(mis)folding and/or protein-based interactions is essential.

The candidate joining the laboratory will be a highly motivated
individual that can work both independently as well as apart of a team.
They should also have a desire to develop their work through the
supervision of PhD students, work with other group members and with via
established collaborations with groups at Centre for Misfolding Diseases
at the University of Cambridge (Profs. Chris Dobson and Michele
Vendruscolo) and University of Bristol (Prof. Ian Collinson).

Full Advert and Job description can be found at


Staffing Officer

UCL Division of Biosciences

1M01 Medical Sciences Building

1st Floor Mezzanine

University College London

Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 6482
