
Could you please post the following PhD opportunity in the Osbourn group at the John Innes Centre? I am sending this on behalf of Anne Osbourn, and all enquiries should be directed to the address below.

With best wishes

Sarah Lennon


PhD in Osbourn group at the John Innes Centre. 

Bioengineering non-sugar modifications of saponins.


Supervisor Anne Osbourn: e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Full details: http://students.jic.ac.uk/bioengineering-non-sugar-modifications-of-saponins-osbourn_j17unil/

Project Start Date: 01 Dec 2017

This studentship is open for a 1st October 2017, 1st November 2017 or 1st December 2017 start.

Saponins (glycosylated triterpenes) are one of the most numerous and diverse groups of plant natural products. They are complex molecules that are, for the most part, beyond the reach of chemical synthesis. These compounds have a wide range of industrial applications, including as surfactants for use in soaps and other home and personal care products. A considerable amount is now known about the enzymes that synthesise and modify triterpene scaffolds. This project exploits an innovative synthetic biology approach for easy and quick production of known and new-to-nature triterpenes using a transient plant expression system. The goal is to engineer triterpenes with optimised physical properties and performance for use in home and personal care products. This project is a collaboration with Unilever.

Eligibility and funding: Funding for this Unilever, BBSRC industrially co-funded studentship PhD studentship from BBSRC is available to successful candidates who meet the UK Research Council eligibility criteria including the 3-year UK residency requirements.

The Studentship will cover a stipend of £18,553 per annum (Research Council rate for 17/18: £14,553 plus CASE Partner enhancement), research costs and tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. This is available to UK and EU students who meet the UK residency requirements. Students from EU countries who do not meet the UK residency requirements may still be eligible for a fees-only award. Further details on eligibility for funding can be found on the BBSRC website: http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/documents/studentship-eligibility-pdf/

For further information and to apply, please visit the website: http://students.jic.ac.uk/current-opportunities/how-to-apply/

 Deadline for Applications: 08 Sep 2017