

Hi All,

Unfortunately I have an emergency dentist appointment :-(

Here's the various bits I would have had to contribute:

* CMS: There is (finally) some progress in the Running CMS inside Singularity on EL7 issue:
Now we are waiting with baited breath to see if that makes it into Production, so Imperial can run CMS jobs again.

CMS on ipv6:
[from the cms computing meeting]
Sites are asked to fill in the WLCG IPv6 survey at if they haven’t already. Ultimately all sites will need to be IPv6 accessible, such that SRM/gridftp and xrootd endpoints are available from IPv6-only hosts.  Sites will be contacted soon about their progress with this.  Several sites have been checked out successfully, but it’s a distinct minority right now.
[end quote]

* Has now ceased to exist. We decided the overhead of keeping such a small VO around was not worth the returns. We will direct any potential users to the gridpp VO, if necessary having them select the appropriate subsection of sites.

* ROD duty:
Another week, another "100% into the UNKNOWN" issue:
(now seemingly fixed)

Dirac refuses to submit to Durham, even  though I can submit jobs by hand. Under investigation.

* No good deed goes unpunished:
I've been trying to exorcise the ghost of CMS from two of our CEs for quite a while. The solution (#11):
was surprisingly some entanglement with DUNE.

* I will be on holiday 21.7 - 4.8 :-)


On 18 July 2017 at 08:29, Jeremy Coles <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear All,

The agenda for today’s ops meeting can be found at In the discussion section we will review updates from the GDB that took place last week.

Best regards,

Sent from the pit of despair

[log in to unmask]
HEP Group/Physics Dep
Imperial College
London, SW7 2BW
Tel: +44-(0)20-75947810