

Final tickets

Sheffield Institute of the Arts
Sheffield Hallam University
United Kingdom

7–8 September 2017


Dr Rathna Ramanathan<> x Matt Ward<> x Alternative Art School<> curated by Dr Cathy Gale with students + Laura Gordon (Crowdtalks<>) x Alt/Shift<> curated by Derek Yates with Kati Russell (the Girlhood<> /  play in progress)<> + Dr. Daniel Cid<> (WSA) + Luise Vormittag CSM/ Vital Arts<>+ Dem Gerolemou (ustwo<>) + over 25 papers, workshops, discussion and 20 x 20 presentations from educators across the UK and beyond.


Dr Rathna Ramanathan<> (Head of Visual Communication, RCA)
I am: Graphic Design (Education) in a Pluralistic World
With forecasts of algorithmic futures, concern about the disappearing nature of craft, an increasingly pressured art/design HE environment and a geopolitical crisis, this talk questions the shape and purpose of graphic design (education). It seeks to challenge our role as educators, question our ambitions for our students and discuss what it means to provide ‘learning for an unknown future’ in such a rapidly changing context. The talk demonstrates the importance of a value-led, rigorous and inclusive approach to graphic design and makes a passionate case for diverse ‘communities of practice’ within design education.

Matt Ward<> (Head of Design, Goldsmiths)
Briefing for the revolution
This talk deconstructs ‘the brief’ as an object of investigation, the instigator of an educational journey and a key to a cultural paradigm. It examines one of the main ‘devices’ used within design education and investigates it to unlock the hidden processes and practices of a transformative design education. Used widely within industry and education alike, the brief spans multiple cultures (production, specialism and practice) and contexts (from advertising to product design). I aim to unpack the brief as a device to support, provoke and inspire learning. As a pedagogic object of intrigue, the brief creates a space where cultures collide and aspirations are declared; a site of knowledge production, cultural invention and political agitation.


Alternative Art School (curated by Dr Cathy Gale)
This strand aims to cover a lot of ground around ideas of revolt at art (and design) school through a series of intensive workshops representing an educational heterotopia. Each workshop will open with a critical context for the collaborative activities listed, an introduction to historical examples, theories and current research. The Alternative Art School student team will lead, facilitate or cajole as required. Laura Gordon’s ‘School for Failure’ will form a conceptual constant and a particular session throughout the strand. Conviviality, critical debate and wit will be used as tools alongside drawing, physical construction, and presentations.

Alt/Shift: Learning outside of the echo chamber (curated by Derek Yates)
Alt/Shift was originally set up to facilitate meaningful dialogue and constructive collaboration between contemporary creative practice and design education. Building on this Alt/shift now asks industry professionals, academics and students to examine practice models that exploit the potency of design to achieve more optimistic futures for the 21st century. Our aim is to explore how we might validate what we do outside the echo chamber of our peers and facilitate learning that has impact beyond our educational institutions. With this as our starting point we will present a series of short talks, provocations and case studies that demonstrate the benefits of external collaborations and try to make sense ofand jointly reflect on the qualities and principles that underpin this work. Across the afternoon, we hope to challenge potential preconceptions within the academic echo chamber and work towards developing principles for learning that has impact beyond our educational institutions.

For more information and booking:

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