

The Editor of *JICMS* is pleased to announce the publication of  Vol. 5:3,


A farewell to youth: The slippery modernity of *Rapsodia satanica *and
*Addio* *giovinezza! *DANILA CANNAMELA

In the place of abandonment: Rohrwacher, Martel and ‘miracles’ RAMSEY

Being there: Le Vele as characters in *Gomorrah –* *The Series* ALBERTO

*Viaggio in Francia*: Pathé Italian-French co-productions in the 1950s and

Politicize and popularize: The theoretical discourse on feminicide in
Italian feminist blogs NICOLETTA MANDOLINI

Clerics, laymen and cinema: The troubled relations between the Vatican and
the Office Catholique

International du Cinéma (1948–52) LIEVEN BOES, LEEN ENGELEN AND ROEL VANDE

*Film reviews*

Review of student films,Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Rome, CSC-Milan, and
DARvipem, University of Bologna

*1.200 km di bellezza*, Italo Moscati (2016), Roma: Luce/Cinecittà

*Book reviews*

*Stars and Masculinities in Contemporary Italian Cinema*, Catherine O’Rawe

*A Cinema of Poetry: Aesthetics of the Italian Art Film*, Joseph Luzzi

*Pasolini: The Sacred Flesh*, Stefania Benini (2015)

*Italian Fascism’s Empire* *Cinema*, Ruth Ben-Ghiat (2015)

*Landscapes in Between: Environmental Change in Modern Italian Literature
and Film*, Monica Seger (2015)

*Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana: Interventi Critici*, Federica
Colleoni, Elena Dalla Torre and Inge Lanslots (eds) (2015)

*Michelangelo Antonioni. Prospettive, Culture, Politiche, Spazi*,
Alberto Boschi
and Francesco Di Chiara (eds) (2015)

*Questioni di genere nel giornalismo italiano, *Milly Buonanno (ed.) (2015)

*Visual Anthropology in Sardinia*, Silvio Carta (2015)

*The Maciste Films of Italian Silent Cinema*, Jacqueline Reich (2015)

*Morte a Venezia: Thomas Mann / Luchino Visconti: Un Confronto*, Fancesco
Bono,Luigi Cimmino and Giorgio Pangaro (eds) (2014)

*L’immagine politica: Forme del contropotere tra cinema, video e fotografia
nell’Italia **degli anni Settanta*, Christian Uva (2015)

Flavia Laviosa
Senior Lecturer
Italian Studies & Cinema and Media Studies
Wellesley College, USA
Principal Editor, *Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies*
Certified ACTFL OPI Trainer and Tester, Italian

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