There are still some spaces left for participants and presenters at the:

Library TeachMeet
in Plymouth
Wednesday 6 September 2017 10:30 - 15:00

Places are FREE and lunch is provided. Please book your place here:

This Teachmeet is an opportunity to boost your creativity just in time for the new term. It’s an informal flexible day led by the participants. Your input is invaluable! We’re looking to hear about your teaching experiences in any type of library or information setting. It could be a new teaching activity, or even an old one that really works well. Perhaps you’ve done some research or gathered some useful feedback about your teaching. Or you’ve started a new venture and have lessons to share.

Please let us know if you’d like to present. There will be both 15 minute sessions where you can present about your teaching, or run a quick micro-teach (great opportunity to try something new on a willing audience!), or 40 minute workshops for demonstrating your activities in action, discussion and sharing of best practice. There are also places for non-presenters.

Thanks to support from ARLG SW and Plymouth University.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Laura Lay
Events Co-ordinator, CILIP SW