

Times to sign up before all the places disappear!
Read about the bursaries on our website

Amazing spaces: using library design to enhance organisational goals and user satisfaction
ALISS conference
22nd August 2017
10.15 (registration) - 4.30
Senate House London

Aliss Members £50
Non Members £70
To book email
Heather Dawson
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Following approval of the scheme at the AGM in June, ALISS are pleased to be able to offer two bursaries for this event.  Please see our Bursary page<> for more information

On 22nd  August 2017, ALISS (Association of Librarians and Information Professionals in the Social Sciences) will be holding a one day event  which will focus upon several examples of innovative library design,  exploring how refurbishment of library spaces can help libraries increase their impact as well as enhancing user satisfaction levels. The day will include presentations from practitioners from a variety of library sectors who will provide a case studies of the  challenges and solutions from their own experience. Delegates will then work in small, discussion groups to share their experiences

The Speakers will Include:
Karen Latimer,  Queen's University Belfast,  on issues relating to qualities of good Library  design showcasing examples of inspiring new libraries that have had an impact and improved the user experience.
Sally Jennings who will introduce St Pancras Transformed : the British Library vision for redesign and redevelopment on the London site
Sarah Pittaway and Laura Worsfold  who will discuss the challenges of the Worcester Hive the first fully integrated public and university library in Europe
Loesja Vigour and Nicola Cook on the development of the new reading room, An innovative hybrid of gallery, library and events space.

Draft Programme

10.15 - 10.30 Registration and coffee

10.30 - 10.35 Welcome and Housekeeping

10.35 - 11.05 Speaker 1

11.05 - 11.35 Speaker 2

11.35 - 12.45 Discussion groups

12.45 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 14.00 Speaker 3

14.00 - 14.30 Speaker 4

14.30 - 15.30 Discussion groups

15.30 - 15.45 Tea

15.45 - 16.30 General discussion and feedback

Members £50
Non-members £70
Including refreshments
Following approval of the scheme at the AGM in June, ALISS are pleased to be able to offer two bursaries for this event.  Please see our Bursary page<> for more information

To book email
Heather Dawson
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>