

Dear All,


Booking is now open for the third Share the Experience day at the University of Hull Library on Thursday 7th September 2017.     


The third Collection Management@Event will pick up from where the last event left off, with a day of discussion and presentations covering a wide range of themes, from practical stock management to the Jisc National Bibliographic Knowledgebase.


The morning will be focused on the National Bibliographic Knowledgebase. Neil Grindley and Bethan Ruddock from Jisc will be providing an update on the NBK project followed by breakout activities for delegates focused on development themes. In the afternoon there will be four presentations by Librarians from Edinburgh, Hull, Manchester and York all sharing their practical collection management experiences. The presentations will cover managing low use collections, applying a categorisation framework to your collections, a collections rationalisation project and the decommissioning of a Library.


To cover catering and administration costs a small fee of £22.31 (including VAT) per delegate is being charged.     Bookings can be made via the Eventbrite page     A full programme will be available shortly.   The day starts at 11am, (with registration, coffee and tea from 10.30am) and is scheduled to finish at  3.45pm. 


Hull is UK City of Culture 2017. The University of Hull is a principal partner and throughout the year the campus has been used as an venue for City of Culture events. From the 5th July – 1st October the Library is hosting Larkin: New Eyes Each Year, a biographic exhibition which explores connections between Larkin’s life and work in Hull. Delegates are very welcome to view the exhibition over lunchtime or after the event.


This event is being organised with support from members of the Jisc Collection Management Community Advisory Board.


I hope you will  be able to join us in Hull in September.

Best wishes



(on behalf of the organising committee)


Dawn Holland | Collections Manager | University Library

University of Hull

Hull, HU6 7RX, UK

[log in to unmask] | 01482 465445

  @UniOfHull       /UniversityOfHull      universityofhull