This may be a question for Liv Faull who has been extremely helpful to me getting my pre-processing model set up, however I thought I would post it here in case it's a more general question!

This is resting state data.
Steps of model so far:
So my question is regarding the output:
Liv mentioned I should go into the stats folder and copy the 'res4d.nii.gz' image and rename it as Cleaned_data. 

What I want to do is get a functional 4D cleaned image that will have everything I just put into FEAT incorporated, i.e. filtering / bet / smoothing / motion correction / physiological noise correction / ICA artefact correction.   Do I add the mean_func image to the residual image?  Or combine it with the filtered_func_data somehow? 

For example if I wanted to do analyses such as splitting this file in half (as we had a drug infusion in the middle) and subtracting one from the other (to asses the change in BOLD), and then using this to create fALFF maps, what would I need to do to this file (Res4d) first? 
(Additionally presumably I would have to register this file to standard space before running group falff analyses?)

If I wanted to run a group MELODIC on these pre-processed FEAT directories, if I used as inputs the lower-level FEATs would they essentially carry through this noise-corrected data?  

Apologies for the number of questions, I have searched through a lof of the archive, but still remain unsure..  
I really appreciate any advice you can give me!
Anna Forsyth

Anna Forsyth, BA/BSc (Hons), A.T.C.L
PhD Candidate
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
University of Auckland