

Please feel free to forward this on to all who might be interested, the workshop takes place on the 21st of July in London and the deadline for tickets is the 13th July 13:00 

Reflecting on Qualitative Methods Postgraduate Workshop
Interested in qualitative methods ranging from the participatory to the visual? Want to network with other postgraduate students? How about some friendly advice and support on your research ideas? Then this is the event for you!
In its second year, and taking place at the RGS-IBG in South Kensington, London, this event offers a forum through which early career postgraduates can discuss and navigate a range of qualitative methods used within geographical research. The day promises to offer insights into a range of innovative methods which can be used in fieldwork alongside critical and reflexive insights into how these methods can be deployed. The schedule offers room for numerous networking opportunities, and the chance to hear from academics who are experienced in using such methods, alongside interactive activities and roundtable discussions throughout the day. Also we are delighted to have as our keynote Prof Gillian Rose. 
Lunch and refreshments will be provided. A small £12 contribution is sought to help cover the event running costs. The event is subsidised with the kind support of the following RGS-IBG research groups: Participatory Geographies Research Group; Social and Cultural Research Group; Postgraduate Forum; Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research Group; and the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group.
You can register for the event here:
If you have any questions please get in touch with Eve ([log in to unmask]). 
We look forward to seeing you there!
All the best
Heather, Eve and Dan