Message from the MIST mailing list.

“Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather” at the Clayton Hotel, Cardiff, Wales, UK (03-08 December 2017) – First Announcement.



Dear Colleagues.


It is with great pleasure that we announce that registration and bookings are now open for our workshop entitled “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather” – we expect around 40 participants to take part in this workshop which will be held at The Clayton Hotel, Cardiff, Wales (UK) 03-08 December 2017.  This immediately follows the European Space Weather Week (ESWW) in Belgium and precedes the Fall AGU in the USA.


Full details and deadlines can be found on the workshop website here:


Our Workshop encompasses four main themes:

- The “Fourth Remote-Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere Workshop”;

- “Where are we on Bz?” (a SEREN follow-on);

- “Novel Ionospheric Studies with Advanced Observing Techniques”; and

- The “11th LOFAR Solar Physics and Space Weather Key Science Project”.

(The combined workshop also incorporates the MWA SHI and future potential SKA SHI SWG science.)


The workshop aims to gather experts from the various fields of remote­-sensing observations of the inner heliosphere, including EUV, white-/visible-­light, and radio observations, together with modellers, in order to tackle key outstanding heliophysics issues.  The science learned from remote-sensing observations is critical to improving our capabilities of space-­weather forecasting as well as having an impact on the fundamental physics behind how the Sun creates and drives the heliosphere.  It is also intended to establish closer working relations and devise the best ways our group can move the field forward as a whole, tapping into observational capabilities that can be used to aid the upcoming Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe Communities, as well as Space Weather science and forecasting enhancements in general.  The workshop also aims to look at ways in which we can more easily and efficiently share and access the various types of data between individual groups and across the different techniques.


The workshop will have a small registration fee (£120 early/£150 late – this includes the lunches, refreshments, welcome reception, workshop dinner, and excursion – but NOT accommodation) and a strong Welsh theme (including the refreshments, food, and excursion).


We look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff!


Best wishes,


Mario (SOC and LOC Chair, on behalf of the SOC and LOC).



Science Organising Committee (SOC):

Mario M. Bisi (STFC RAL Space, UK) (Chair)

Michael (Mike) A. Hapgood (STFC RAL Space, UK)

Richard A. Fallows (ASTRON, NL)

Kent Miller (EOARD, UK/AFRL, USA)

Bernard (Bernie) V. Jackson (UCSD, US)

David (Dave) F. Webb (BC, US)

Biagio Forte (University of Bath, UK)

Alexander (Alec) MacKinnon (University of Glasgow, UK)

Gottfried Mann (AIP, DE)


Local Organising Committee (LOC):

Mario M. Bisi (STFC RAL Space, UK) (Chair)

Catherine A. Baker (Baker-Bisi Executive Assistance, UK)

Annabel Cartwright (Cardiff University, UK)


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