

Dear All,


Interesting link to Kwame McKenzie's activity in Toronto. (Kwame was
well-known psychiatrist in UK latterly active in an anti-racist stance
before he emigrated to Canada)


It seems that the tendency to not talk about 'race' and racism evident I
think in UK  seems to be evident in Toronto too!   I have noted this
tendency at meetings and conferences in UK over the past ten years or
so-just at a time when racism is increasing in all avenues of our
multicultural society including mental health. 


For those who do not know much about Toronto, Across Boundaries was
established about 20 years ago openly anti-racist but has had to pull back
on its anti-racism recently. 


I have just returned from a meeting at OISE (University of Toronto) where
this malady (don't mention 'race' disease) was obvious and commented upon.
Have others on this list noticed it too?  




Suman Fernando