ST R E  T   C   H   E    D   CITY

Pushing against the current in the Last London


Livingmaps Network in association with the Development Planning Unit, UCL announce  the William Bunge Memorial Lecture for 2017 to be given by Iain Sinclair.


WHEN:Wednesday June 21st 6-8pm


WHERE:Darwin Lecture Theatre UCL

Gower Street

London WC1 6XA


Tickets £10.00 Concessions £5.00

Booking on Eventbrite


In this public lecture Iain Sinclair explores the condition of perceived

‘groundlessness’ in the stretched city that London has become, by way

of memory raids, recovered texts, visionary encounters and the constant

pressure to step beyond our knowledge, beyond our restricted permissions.

His project: to make London a map of what we need, what we love.


The lecture inaugurates a series exploring what it means to be a Londoner today,

organised by Livingmaps Network as part of an initiative to create a Citizens Atlas

of London. It is also being held in memory of the work of William Bunge, pioneer

of expeditionary geography and author of ‘Fitzgerald: diary of a revolution.’



Iain Sinclair has lived in (and written about) Hackney, East London, since 1969.

His novels include Downriver, Radon Daughters, Landor’s Tower and Dining on

Stones. Non-fiction books, exploring the myth and matter of London, include

Lights Out for the Territory, London Orbital and Edge of the Orison. He edited

London, City of Disappearances, which was published in October 2006. In recent

times, he has published Hackney, That Rose-Red Empire (2009), Ghostmilk

(2011) and American Smoke (2013). Sinclair’s account of a one-day walk around

the orbital railway – London Overground - was published in June 2015.


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