

Dear All,


Abstracts are invited for presentation at the International Workshop on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Elastic Deformation, to be held September 5-7, 2017, at Grand Hotel Reykjavik, Iceland


The abstract deadline is extended to Friday June 16, 2017. Abstracts must be submitted following the website instructions.

Registrations is open until August 2, 2017.



Past and present changes in the mass balance of the Earth's glaciers and ice caps induce present-day deformation of the solid Earth on a range of spatial scales, from the very local to global. Of principal interest are geodetic observations that validate, or may be assimilated into, models of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and/or constrain models of present-day ice mass change through measurements of elastic rebound. Using geometric measurements alone, elastic and viscoelastic deformations cannot be separated without additional models or observations. The conference will focus on resolving these issues and work on dissemination of these measurements within the glaciological community.


Sessions (full details:


Session 1.            Observations of present-day changes in glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets and the associated Earth deformation

Conveners:         Ingo Sasgen, Valentina Barletta, Bert Wouters


Session 2.            Measurement and Models of Elastic Rebound

Conveners:  Jeff Freymueller, Mirko Scheinert, Tonie van Dam


Session 3.            Glacial isostatic adjustment on a heterogeneous Earth

Conveners:  Wouter van der Wal, Natalya Gomez, Tom James


Session 4.            Reconciling models and observations of GIA

Conveners:  Pippa Whitehouse, Bas de Boer, Terry Wilson


Both Oral and Poster sessions will be held


Travel support

Thanks to generous funding from the SCAR SERCE programme, The European Space Agency (ESA), and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), there are funds available to part-support a limited number of attendees. These will be awarded after the abstract submission deadline and preference will be given to early stage researchers and scientists from a SCAR nation with an emerging Antarctic programs, and to participants involved in ESA projects or using ESA data. All supported attendees must present at the workshop. Applicants must indicate that they are requesting travel support at the time of abstract submission.


Registration Fee and Accommodation

Registration fee: 170 Euro

Accommodation:  List of recommended hotels is available on the website:



Abstract submission deadline: June 16, 2017

Final detailed programme: June 30, 2017

Application deadline for early career scientists travel support: July 1st, 2017

Registration deadline: August 2nd, 2017


Kind regards,

Abbas Khan, Matt King and Pippa Whitehouse (meeting co-organizers)



Dr. Pippa Whitehouse

NERC Independent Research Fellow

Department of Geography

Durham University

DH1 3LE, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)191 334 1877

Office: W307