

Digital Classicist London seminar 2017

Donald Sturgeon (Harvard University)

*Crowdsourcing a digital library of pre-modern Chinese*

Friday June 9th at 16:30, in room 234, Senate House, Malet Street, 
London WC1E 7HU

Seminar will be livecast at Digital Classicist London YouTube channel:

Rapid digitization of historical primary sources presents challenges to 
traditional models of digital library design along with opportunities 
for new approaches. This talk introduces the Chinese Text Project 
(, a crowdsourced digital library of pre-modern Chinese 
designed to leverage a large, distributed user community to curate 
material in a scalable and decentralized way. This platform is used 
daily by over 25,000 users around the world, many of whom actively 
contribute to the development of its contents. Through use of open APIs, 
the platform also facilitates digital humanities research and teaching, 
as well as integration with externally developed projects and tools.


Dr Gabriel BODARD
Reader in Digital Classics

Institute of Classical Studies
University of London
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU

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T: +44 (0)20 78628752