Call for Papers for a Springer Book (24th of June):

Higher Education for All: From Challenges to Novel Technology-enhanced Solutions

Social, Semantic, Adaptive, Gamification Techniques and Technologies for Distance Learning

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper or chapter for a Springer Book on Social, Semantic, Adaptive, Gamification Techniques and Technologies for Distance Learning. 


Economic development depends on highly skilled, educated individuals. Lower education level is linked to low income, poverty. In the UK, Higher Education is available to many high school graduates (~50% in 2011-12; The Guardian). In Brazil, numbers are much lower (< 20%; OECD). Pioneering efforts from academia & companies  to support pupils from impoverished, underprivileged backgrounds to enter universities (to pass the intensive public exam 'ENEM'), are e-learning solutions. Still, initial data show typical distance learning problems: isolation, lack of customisation. We invite UK, Brazil & international researchers to contribute towards solving the urgent, timely problem of access for children from impoverished backgrounds, via novel, seamless personalisation involving gamification, semantic & social interaction techniques for the specific needs of millions of learners, based on (big) data analysis, user analytics and scalability.

This book aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders working or interested in the fields of educational technology, semantic web, Web 2.0, adaptivity, big data, learner analytics and NLP. We expect to witness the merger of research and application directions, see their implementations and evaluations, encourage the transition towards concrete, large scale applications - such as in the Brazilian entrance to the higher education field.


·                  Full Paper (12-15 pages): 24th of June 2017;

·                  Final Notification: September 30th.

Notification of results: Submitters will be notified by email.

Style and Formatting: Springer

Publisher: STM (Science, Technology, Medicine): Springer

Submission website: (with easychair link to come)


Alexandra I. Cristea, The University of Warwick

Ig Ibert Bittencourt, Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)

Fernanda Lima, University of Brasília (UnB)

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