


Practices, Representations and Meanings Of Human Mobility in Archaeology

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2017

The third issue of Ex Novo welcomes multidisciplinary theory-based contributions seeking to test and reassess the centrality of mobility studies to understand patterns of change and continuity in past and modern worlds; reconsider the movement of people, objects, and ideas alongside mobile epistemologies, such as intellectual, scholarly or educative traditions, rituals, practices, religions and theologies; and provide insights into the multifaceted relationship between mobile practices and their shared meanings and how they are represented socially and politically.

We recommend sending in title, short abstract and five keywords by 30 June 2017. This will allow us to organize in advance the peer reviewing process


Ex Novo – Journal of Archaeology 


Established in 2015, Ex Novo is a fully peer reviewed open access international journal that promotes interdisciplinary research focusing on the multiple relations between archaeology and society. The focal point of Ex Novo is to stimulate archaeology to reflect on contemporary approaches and perspectives on antiquity, and to encourage archaeologists to engage with innovative theoretical frameworks borrowed from other disciplines such as history, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, social sciences and colonial studies. In particular, Ex Novo will address subjects such as the relationship between politics and archaeology, public archaeology, the legacies of colonialism and nationalism within the archaeological discipline, the articulation between local and global archaeological traditions, archaeology and archaeologists’ involvement in memory and identity, museum studies, destruction and restitution issues, and will create a challenging and stimulating platform for discussion.  

The editorial board of Ex Novo is based primarily in Italy, Germany and the Netherlands and supported by a wider international advisory panel. The first issue – The Impact of the Fall of Communism on European Heritage - is currently accessible online. The second issue is already in preparation and will tackle the debated notions of ownership and appropriation, the role of a globalized scientific archaeology and the impact of armed conflict on archaeological practice.  





University of Amsterdam

ACASA - Department of Archaeology


James Symonds PhD, FSA, FSA SCOT, FHEA, MCIfA

Professor of Historical Archaeology (North of the Alps)

Department Chair, Archaeology

Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture  AHM


Turfdraagsterpad 9  | 1012 XT Amsterdam | The Netherlands

T + 31 (0)20 525 5174 | F +31 (0)20 525 5831 | Kamer 3.05




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