

Lisa Radford

** Sent from a device upon which I press small letters with large fingers - mistakes are bound to happen. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jesus Palomino <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 13 June 2017 at 22:54:16 AEST
To: Lisa Radford <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: A MESSAGE BY JESUS PALMINO_Presentation at L'École de hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris

Dear Lisa !!!

How is it going?

I hope you are doing quite well !!!

Well, I thought that maybe, it could be interesting for you to know about this new text

that I am presenting at L'École de hates études en sciences sociales from Paris

at the meeting Rencontres et formes de représentation a l'ére de la mondialisation

on June 22 th. and 23 th. 2017.

I talk about Saskia Sassen´s essay Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in Global Economy, 

(2014) and the troublesome process of financialization in relation to the life of democracies 

and life itself; I talk as well about the role of contemporary artists in relation 

to their practices and strategies to structure useful and assertive narratives facing our brutal 

economical paradigma. 

Well, it is just a proposal to start thinking... from our  "epistemic indignation" !!!