UNESCO Memory of the World

Call for nominations to the UK Register


UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme seeks to encourage the preservation of, access to and awareness of the world’s documentary heritage.  An important part of the Programme is its Registers, which recognise documentary heritage of outstanding significance.  Successful inscriptions have been able to use this prestigious award in funding bids, to raise awareness of documentary heritage, and to improve the management of collections.  The current Inscriptions on the UK Register and information about the UK Committee can be found at http://www.unesco.org.uk/designation/memory-of-the-world-inscriptions-in-the-uk-uk-register/.  Detailed information about the Programme is available at http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/flagship-project-activities/memory-of-the-world/homepage/.


Nominations are now being invited for inscriptions to the UK Register in 2018.   Any organisation or individual may make a submission for any form of documentary heritage for which they are responsible. The key criteria is that the heritage is of outstanding significance to the UK.


Applications should be made by submitting the official application form along with specified  supporting  documentation.  The application process is designed to be straightforward and is supported by a handbook which applicants are encouraged to read. Both can be found at https://www.unesco.org.uk/apply-to-the-memory-of-the-world-register-uk-international/.


All enquiries should  made to Matthew McMurrary (Secretary)  at [log in to unmask],  or Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan (Chair) at [log in to unmask].


The closing date for applications is Wednesday 31 January 2018.  Applicants will be notified of the outcome in May 2018 and inscriptions will be publicly presented in June 2018 at a formal awards ceremony.

Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan MSc, RMARA
Director and Consultant Archivist

Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan Associates Ltd
+44 (0)7719 609894