

Hi folks,

I'd just like to ask a quick query.  I hope that someone can shed some light.

For an ANCOVA with one continuous dependent variable, one continuous covariate and a categorical q level independent variable (where each level represents a  'group') we are able to generate the group means which have been adjusted for the covariate and test the difference between group means adjusted for the covariate.

ANCOVA is basically a regression model.  Say if we have a 3 level 'group' variable (B) with level 3 as the reference group and the covariate is called C we will have:

Y = constant + coeffc * C + coeffb1*B_level1 + coeffb2*B_level2

...and to calculate the adjusted mean for each group, we enter the average value of C.

As I understand, we are assuming (above) that the overall relationship between Y and C is the same for all groups - that is why there is only one coefficient for C.  Thus one of the major assumptions of ANCOVA is that there is 'homogeneity of regression slopes' and this is tested via the B*C interaction.

If we considered this as a multiple regression (with a q level categorical predictor B coded as q-1 dummy binary variables and a continuous predictor C) rather than an ANCOVA, we would not do a test of homogeneity of regression slopes.....why is this so?

Many thanks for your views.
Kind Regards,

Dr Kim Pearce PhD, CStat, Fellow HEA
Senior Statistician
Haematological Sciences
Room MG261
Institute of Cellular Medicine
William Leech Building
Medical School
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: (0044) (0)191 208 8142

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